Steven Verhaegen joins the team

Steven gained his Licentiaat in Biological Sciences at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium in 1985. He was a European Capacity and Mobility fellow at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Republic of Ireland, where he gained his PhD in 1995. He has a strong interest in cellular and molecular aspects of cancer, and has since been involved in research projects in Ireland, Brazil, and Spain.

In 2007 he joined the Norges Veterinærhøgskole at Adamstuen, Oslo (presently NMBU, Ås) where he worked on cell models investigating developmental and cancer related effects of environmental pollutants. He was work package leader in PROTECTED, an EU Horizon 2020 Integrated Training Network project coordinated by Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK investigating endocrine disrupting effects of natural and man-made environmental toxicants. In his free time Steven likes exploring Østmarka, photography, and cooking.

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